O the simpler times. This is a favorite photo of mine, my friend Katherine and I were trying to make it look like I was naked, I don't know why, but we thought it was funny. That was almost three years ago, at the end of my freshmen year. It is amazing the amount of things that change in such a short time. Now I'm about to register for my last semester of my senior year and to think that I've made it through, is amazing.
I have loved and hated school at the same time. It is bitter sweet looking back and realizing that a "big girl" job awaits me in May and I will have to be a grown up. Although I do want to thank all of my friends and family for helping me through the past 21 years. They have been a huge inspiration and relief. So Thanks for the text messages, the parties, road trips, inside jokes, and just being around. It is the realization that some of the people in our lives wont always be there for one reason or another. So take the time to enjoy the right now, because the people in your life wont always be there. So to all of you seniors out there, enjoy the next few months and when it is time to move on, do so with a smile on your face and gratitude in your heart for people you've met along the way.